Today's Evil Beet Gossip

AmIdol Recap: Top 10 Girls

Early Evening Links

The National Enquirer thinks Anna Nicole's underlying cause of death was pneumonia. And if it ran in the National Enquirer, it must be true. [Celebslam]

I knew this world was missing something. I thought it was, like, a cure for AIDS and cancer, or peace, or even potable water, but it turns out it was just a hip-shakin' Beyonce/Shakira duet. Phew. [POTP]

Oh hells yes. A new Star Trek movie in the works! [Pajiba]

Carmen Electra's next big career move is as a magician's assistant in Las Vegas, where maybe she can make another marriage disappear. [popbytes]

Katherine Heigl isn't leaving Grey's Anatomy anytime soon, although they do hate her quite a bit around there. [ICYDK]

Jennifer Love Hewitt has very lovely breasts. [Egotastic]

/>The National Enquirer thinks Anna Nicole's underlying cause of death was pneumonia. And if it ran in the National Enquirer, it must be true. [Celebslam]I knew this world was missing something. I thought it was, like, a cure for AIDS and cancer, or peace, or even potable water, but it turns out it was just a hip-shakin' Beyonce/Shakira duet. Phew. [POTP] Oh hells yes. A new Star Trek movie in the works! [Pajiba]Carmen Electra's next big career move is as a magician's assistant in Las Vegas, where maybe she can make another marriage disappear. [popbytes]...

Diddy Throws Down

See, you have to wait a day or two for all the best dirt to come out from the Oscars after-parties, and we can always count on getting some gossip mileage out of Diddy, who didn't learn his lesson about violence in public the last time. Or the time before that. Or that time in that night club with Jennifer Lopez. Or the time before that. Diddy's being investigated by the LAPD for allegedly clocking some dude after the guy asked him nicely to stop inviting his fiancee to a private party. Gerard Re...

Stalkerdom Posing as Cutesy Art

There are times you truly feel sorry for people who make millions of dollars, because there isn't a price you could pay me for certain elements of the job. For instance, take this psycho, she handcuffs herself to Hugh Grant and acts like it's just what girls do. If that were me I would have been tempted to batter her with her own shoe. She wouldn't have been able to run.
/>There are times you truly feel sorry for people who make millions of dollars, because there isn't a price you could pay me for certain elements of the job. For instance, take this psycho, she handcuffs herself to Hugh Grant and acts like it's just what girls do. If that were me I would have been tempted to batter her with her own shoe. She wouldn't have been able to run. ...

Everyone On Grey’s Anatomy Hates Everyone Else

Paris Drives Like Beet

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) — Paris Hilton was cited for driving on a suspended license after police stopped her for speeding and driving without her headlights on late Tuesday, authorities said. If you're going to speed put your headlights on. Also, if you don't have a valid license do your best to keep it under the speed limit so as not to attract attention. She was on her way home from buying DVDs at Virgin Megastore in West Hollywood after spending the day at home for a photo shoot, her pu...

James Blunt is a True Blue Hellion

You know that song where he says "You're Beautiful" and then proceeds to undress on the beach? Well, that's not the only side to James Blunt. There is something darker and much more sinister within, a beast that Blunt hasn't been able to tame. LOS ANGELES (AP) — Police are investigating reports that James Blunt ran over someone's foot as he was leaving a party, then drove off, authorities said Tuesday. You know that joke you have with your pals where you pretend they ran over your foot as ...

Wolfgang Puck Catering Loves Fecal Foods

If you are squeamish just skip this post, because it ain't gonna be pretty. Here we go. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Guests at Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue party on Feb. 14 and a dozen other events may have been exposed to Hepatitis A, which was diagnosed in an employee of Wolfgang Puck Catering, authorities said Tuesday. Wolfgang Puck - "Poisoning celebs like it's hot!" Also, anyone affected by HepA is counseled to get them some globulin shots real quick like. No reason to mention that other than I really like the word globulin. Globulin. Globulin. See? It's fun. Dr. Jonathan Fielding, county director of public health, said the caterer's response to the situation has been "exemplary." Well, yes, that's a good route for them to go, exemplary, because they don't want to get sued for one zillion-kajillion dollars by the best lawyers in the world... at least not before they have a chance to leave town and head on down to ol' Mexico. Oh, and just for the record, an employee for the company is apparently responsible for unknowningly putting people at risk for HepA which we all know is spread through the orofecal route. Yep, that word equals poop plus mouth. Yay!
/>If you are squeamish just skip this post, because it ain't gonna be pretty. Here we go. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Guests at Sports Illustrated's swimsuit issue party on Feb. 14 and a dozen other events may have been exposed to Hepatitis A, which was diagnosed in an employee of Wolfgang Puck Catering, authorities said Tuesday. Wolfgang Puck - "Poisoning celebs like it's hot!" Also, anyone affected by HepA is counseled to get them some globulin shots real quick like. No reason to mention that other tha...

Late-Night Links

Hayden Panettiere does Comic-Con. Don't get too excited, guys. She's still totally unattainable. [Ninja Dude]

Is Katherine Heigl quitting Grey's? [Warship]

Michelle Pfeiffer stopped aging somewhere around 1974. [popbytes]

Tyra Banks gets kicked off a city bus. [DListed]

Prepare yourself for way more PoshKat pics. The funniest ones are when they pretend like they eat. [A Socialite's Life]

/>Hayden Panettiere does Comic-Con. Don't get too excited, guys. She's still totally unattainable. [Ninja Dude]Is Katherine Heigl quitting Grey's? [Warship]Michelle Pfeiffer stopped aging somewhere around 1974. [popbytes]Tyra Banks gets kicked off a city bus. [DListed]Prepare yourself for way more PoshKat pics. The funniest ones are when they pretend like they eat. [A Socialite's Life]...

AmIdol Recap: Top 10 Boys

No He Didn’t

So The Beet will cover AI in all of its homo-tastic glory but seriously Simon Cowell just called out Ryan totally gaying it up. Here is their verbal intercourse discussing Nick Pedro's outfit. Ryan: "What would you dress him up in, just so he has some guidance" Simon: "I'm not a stylist" Ryan: "A black shirt maybe something tight snug, rub a little of the chest" (as he rubs his chest) Simon: "Lets just calm this one down a bit Ryan" Now I know they were trying to reference Simon oddly rubbing h...