Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Wunderkind Buys Observer, Promptly Learns Hard Lesson in Journalism

So 25-year-old rich kid and MBA-in-training Jared Kushner bought the Observer today, and, wanting to be taken very seriously right from the start, released this (partial) statement, with lots of big, important-sounding words, to its staff:
So 25-year-old rich kid and MBA-in-training Jared Kushner bought the Observer today, and, wanting to be taken very seriously right from the start, released this (partial) statement, with lots of big, important-sounding words, to its staff:We find ourselves at a crossroads in the newspaper business. The balance of printed and online content is undergoing an unprecedented adjustment and the way we deliver our product—first-rate journalism—continues to evolve. Together we will navigate this ch...

On Fake Babies

While a Jesus-lovin' Mel Gibson works hard to bring Jew-hating back to the mainstream, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are leaving that last-season Judeo-Christian crap in the past where it belongs. The couple is focused on our world's latest Chosen One, taking graven images to a whole new level by allowing their two-month-old child to be depicted in wax and put on display.Okay. Stop.Can we talk for a second about how incredibly fucked up this is? Please? I don't care where the profits are going (UNI...

Lisa D’Amato Puts Sky-Rocketing Career on Hold to Help the Little People

It's a snarky headline, but truly, I love this girl. I think she was the best thing that ever happened to Top Model, easily the most talented person to ever grace that show, and I think she should have won the whole damn thing. So when she showed up to support the Top Model writing staff striking for union membership, I didn't even roll my eyes at her pathetic attempt at further publicity. Unless you watch Real World, which I have (thank God) finally officially outgrown (I tried to watch Key West...

Woo Hoo My Sandy Cohen Sighting Made Defamer

I am a huge tool. I know. And his dining partner probably hates me for that "same-age" call, but whatever, I'm going to enjoy this. Have you all heard my OC stories? You haven't? Let me tell you.Once upon a time, in that blissful long-ago age before the world was engulfed (and promptly regurgitated) by Mischa Barton et al, an unknown, recently greenlit show-that-could called "The OC" began filming in Southern California. The beach scenes were filmed in a little place far outside the Orange Curtain...

Mel Gibson Takes Well-Deserved Break from Being Holier Than Thou, Drives Drunk

Way to go, Melly boy! You've earned it. All those years of being so much better than everybody else are bound to take their toll on a man. TMZ reports that everyone's favorite alleged anti-Semite is trying on a new hood -- ahem, hat -- as a drunk driver. According to the report, he was pulled over early this morning in Malibu heading eastbound on PCH (side note: at what point in Malibu does PCH run eastbound?) and blew a 0.12 BAC. The legal limit in California is 0.08, so with a little mathemagic we can d...

Central Park Zoo Joins Elite Ranks of NYC Cabbie Mockers

From the Central Park Zoo official website. I took a screenshot so I can be less devastated when they fix it. Since the print is so tiny on the graphic:"The new zoo is divided into several different sections which provide theanimals with homes as close to their natural habitat as possible. Theseinclude tropic, temperate and polar zones that house everything from tiny leafcutter ants to the hugely popular polar bears. The zoo is also actively involved the preservation of endangered species, providing a home for rare tamarin ...

Red Snapper in Thai Green Curry with Rice

Now that we have the Lance Bass Madness out of the way, we can get to the really important thing that happened today: my second day of cooking class. Today was fish and herbs. We started by learning about the herbs, and I am now the proud owner of a chart detailing many different kinds of herbs and their many different applications, the entirety of which is largely meaningless to me. For instance, I am now armed with the knowledge that rosemary is appropriate for Mediterranean dishes, but I am totally defenseless when faced with knowing what constitutes a Mediterranean dish. I can't name a one. But they're great with rosemary!
Now that we have the Lance Bass Madness out of the way, we can get to the really important thing that happened today: my second day of cooking class. Today was fish and herbs. We started by learning about the herbs, and I am now the proud owner of a chart detailing many different kinds of herbs and their many different applications, the entirety of which is largely meaningless to me. For instance, I am now armed with the knowledge that rosemary is appropriate for Mediterranean dishes, but I am tot...

Lance Bass is Gay (Duh)

Unless you have been holed up in your room with nothing but your gin and your Def Leppard albums for the past 15 hours or so, it should come as no suprise to you that Lance Bass is gay. If you had ever even heard of Lance Bass before today, it should come as even less of a surprise. He is gay, gay, gay, in much the same way he's been gay since the very early days of *NSync, by which I mean obviously. If you still don't believe me, TMZ has the video. He's also very much in love with Amazing Race ...

Why is Tom Green Judging the Miss Universe Pageant?

I suppose the better question is, why am I currently watching the Miss Universe pageant? Why did I TiVo it? But let's let bygones be bygones and deal with the issue at hand: why, oh why, is Tom Green judging it? Some of the judges make perfectly good sense: Bridgette Wilson Sampras, a former Miss Teen USA; Patrick McMullan, photographer and socialite extraordinaire; or Amelia Vega, Miss Universe 2003. Some of them kinda-sorta make sense, like Santino Rice, milking that Project Runway stint until t...

This is probably the greatest website I've seen in awhile. It's like mySpace for goths. My first instinct was to point and laugh, and I spent some time clicking through all the profiles getting a kick out of the heavy-duty angst. But after awhile I noticed something -- there's a sense of real camaraderie here, to an extent I've never seen matched by another networking site. It smacks you right in the face, perhaps because it's so unexpected when juxtaposed with dark art and occult screen names. It...